The Art of Cuban Percussion
most complete collection of easy-understanding didactic material for
the profound study of the rhythms of Cuban and Afro-Cuban percussion
including a hands-on demonstration by the author on DVD-Video.
Appropriate for elementary level as well as advanced studies.
Edition: Spanish / English
195 pages standard format, with many illustrations and DVD
Original idea: René Jesús Vergara Gómez
Co-author: Cyrill Schläpfer
Collaboration: Alejandro Mayor
Production: CSR Records Zurich
Printed in Switzerland
ISBN 9783-033-00441-2
ISMN 9790-000-00108-4
CSR Cat.-Nr. CSR 00441 (DVD-Nr. CSR 91861)
© 2011 Shrill
Music Publishing Lucerne / Switzerland |
Available as e-book
Excerpts from the DVD on
Editor's note:
complex and deeply historic genre of music that the world has come to
know as Cuban Music is the result of a process of fusion and
integration of the musical cultures of Africa and Spain as well as of
other regions such as Haiti, France, the USA and China. The musical
heritage of Cuba includes repertoires, ensembles and a whole range of
percussion instruments and their playing techniques.
The folkloric, popular and religious songs hold a great rhythmical and
melodic richness that leaves the Cuban music very appreciated
throughout the whole world.
I hope that this book will be helpful and a support in the studying,
playing, teaching and understanding of Cuban rhythms on a elementary
and broad level. It is considered especially useful for percussionists,
but also for musicians playing other instruments as well as for
composers, arrangers, bandleaders, music editors, musicologists, music
ethnologists and music lovers in general as a reference book.
Never forget that above the rigidity of the notated music in this book
there is always the African-Cuban principle of improvisation and
musical variations.
Cyrill Schläpfer
Editor and co-author, Lucerne / Switzerland, December 2010
[Video introduction by the author René
Vergara] |